Colton + Co. - Beanies for a Kid + a Cause

Our amazing friends at Colton + Co. created this awesome line of beanies to keep your noggins warm during the cold winter months! They are donating 100% of the proceeds to our playground project to say thank you to our school and community for supporting them during a difficult time (if you don’t already know their story, you can find them on Instagram

Please read below for a message from Colton’s family and shop the beanies in our online store now!

We have been touched by all the support we’ve received at Briar Hill School. Whether it has come in the form of a meal, handmade card, friendly smile, shaved head, purple hair or simply positive vibes, we feel so fortunate to be part of this special community.

Though Colton hasn’t been able to go to school this year due to intensive treatment, we are hopeful that he will be able to enjoy the new playground once it is built. We feel this is our opportunity to give back to a school that has given us so much. Proceeds from the sale of Colton + Co. beanies will go directly to the playground. In addition, you will have the opportunity to add a small donation which will go to providing beanies for often-forgotten teens undergoing cancer treatment at the Alberta Children’s Hospital.

Thank you for your kindness and generosity.
— Colton + Family

March Update


Happy New Year Playground Supporters!